Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Letter from Adele Wynne Barry to Joe (Wynne)

Ensley Ala.
3 . 11 . 1912

My dear Joe,

Hall handed me your letter tonight to show you how very much it interests me, I am replying immediately. Am always glad to hear from you & your little family, enjoyed so much meeting them, on their visits to our old home at Dayton.
For years I have been grieving over "lost opportunities" in many ways, or am still worrying. In my younger days (was 69 a few days ago) there was a Bible at home, she ______ of long ago with the family record, and it amused me wonderfully then, the strange mix up of F's & T's.

Your question I think I can answer. Our grandfather's name was David Prowell, married Rachel [Morris] had four children two sons & two
I have told you what I know of the Prowell name. Hall has an Encyclopedia Twentieth Century in Vol X, I find the name of the Prowell with whom you are in correspondence, famous educator, journalist - or many other titles, Gen. R. Prowell of [York] Penn. he seems only interested in living prominent people. It is up to you to fill the niche in our branch of the family.

Uncle James had so many children that I have not mentioned them: he has a son, [ ] filling the Sheriff's Office in his County, several years ago the same one I believe filled the same office. His daughters were
superior women. Virginia married Dr. Ryland, she lives in the County and I wish you could get her address as she is the oldest child & lived with Grandmother Prowell who lived to a good old age, died after the Civil War, she could perhaps give you more authoritative information than anyone else. I mean by the County that her home is not in Columbus Miss but another place several miles away. You remember Rachel Lenoir the pretty girl who visited at your father's. She was the daughter of Eliza [ ] lives or did live in N.O. several years ago. Married
Mr. Montgomery who owned stock yards there or dealt in cattle or stock generally.

While we are on family names, it may interest you to know something of the Pickerings. Pauline Askew, who married Mr. Winslow of Cleveland, Ohio, in order to be in the "social swim", had the ancestry traced, if I wanted it, she would give me the Washington address where by paying $5.00 I could secure the genealogy of the Pickerings. She said had been traced to the time of Wm the Conqueror 14th Century I believe. I am not good on dates.
I suppose you remember in your classroom at West Point the Picture of Timothy Pickering & you thought, "you are my kinfolk" & it gave you fresh inspiration to reach the top of the ladder as he had done; in looking over Worlds Almanac, I find he was member of the Cabinet, three times Secretary of State, Postmaster Gen. & Sec of War. Look in McCauley's history of the Lies of the Queens of England & you will find Sir Timothy Pickering a suitor of Queen Elizabeth.

From family papers: a handwritten letter. Adele Wynne Barry is presumed to be the author based on references to "Hall", her son, and the discussion of the Prowells, her mother's family. Some pages may be missing -- there was no signature page -- and the pages shown may be owut of order as they were not numbered and did not follow logically along folds.

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